These images from a recent Washington DC Family Photo Session have me all sorts of happy!
While I was editing this gallery, I was swooning over every image.
It’s funny, now that I am a mother I look at photos a little differently. I constantly found myself thinking “I’d love this image with my daughter, this images warms my heart, I would print these and put them on my walls’, the entire time I was editing. I don’t say that to sound overly confident, I say that because images with our children are SO special. The little movements, the subtle changes, they all add up!
In a blink of an eye our little newborn is a one year old! Then, two, then five, then going to college.
Capturing the small milestones is so worth it! I love looking back at photos of our daughter, even from a couple months ago and seeing all the changes.
This sweet girl is ONE YEAR OLD. It’s crazy how time flies. I remember doing their maternity photos like it was yesterday, and now she’s walking, talking and dancing around.
This Washington DC Family Photo Session was taken at Bishop’s Garden near the National Cathedral. I don’t do sessions here often, but I do absolutely love it. The flowers, and sunshine, and all the different textures. It’s such a sweet spot for photos.
