Earlier this week we decided to take a walk, but not before I did my sister’s hair and makeup.
Like I’ve mentioned before, she is either super excited for photos or she absolutely hates it. This time…It started out as the latter than quickly changing her mind, she had a lot of fun! Doina is a very special girl. I’ve wrote about her before, so some of this may be repetitive. But she is so wonderful. She drives me crazy half the time, but it doesn’t out weight the love I have for her.
PS: This cute sign is made by Brittany Frieson, of Between Lines By B.

Doina is a Romanian name; it is a Romanian musical tune style. Doina was adopted from Romania when she was four years old. She lived in an orphanage until her adoption. She came to my family with her name and her personality. Doina has been a part of my life for twenty four years, and I can’t imagine life without her. Through her pretty blue eyes I’ve learned a lot about life, people, and myself. Doina loves her blue eyes, compliment them and you will be her new best friend.
One of the hardest things of moving out into my own apartment years ago, was leaving Doina behind. Fast forward a few years, and it is wonderful to have Doina visit me. We rock out to Disney music, because it’s her favorite and we always give high fives and fist bumps. Doina is stuck somewhere between wanting to be an adult and loving life as a child. And I love her for it.

Doina’s smile is the sweetest. I cannot express how happy I am when she smiles, when she laughs and when she’s happy. Doina is a blessing. I’m so proud to call her my sister.