In celebration of National Read a Book Day, September 6, 2020 I am sharing some of my favorite books and some I hope to read in the near future.

Books I’ve enjoyed:
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Lady in the Attic by Tara Randel
The Gilly Salt Sisters by Tiffany Baker
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Girl They Left Behind by Roxanna Veletzos
Books I’d like to read soon:
Powerful by Patty McCord
Girl, Stop Apologizing
Fail Until you Don’t by Bobby Bones
The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar
The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict
The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock